Friday, February 13, 2015

Fraud people at badmanstropicalfish

I joined badmanstropicalfish and started discussing on its forum threads last week. I created few threads to have discussions regarding the fish keeping hobby.

Administrator Russ had a problem with me initially and banned me for my user name being changed to "Oranda-Boy". I don't understand what made him think that my id is fake and he banned my ip address. He asked me to convince him why I changed my user name. I changed my username only because it was an option given to do so and I think users have right to use what's available.

Finally he unbanned me after I replied him that I  just changed my user-name and it was nothing else. I was happy to use those forums again. He stated that he has had hundreds of fishes with him but he simply dont know about melon barbs. He scanned many books and websites to know about them. Its ok, happens, but if u have kept hundreds of species doesn't make u god and after all u have to refer to other medium to gain knowledge, isn't it!

I was so interested that I started participating in each and every thread. I gave suggestions on the experience I have in fish keeping. Moderator named "Karen" had problem with my active participation and she indirectly stated that I am posting unwanted replies and create useless threads. After they asked me to show my aquarium pictures, I posted my tank picture and a video on which Karen stated that my active fishes are stressed and sick.

I asked her whether what makes her think that my fishes are stressed and sick? She had no answer and she  banned me from the forum without my knowing and even my ip was permanently banned stating that I was arguing with her. She also had problem with my short words typing for example: u = you, ppl = people etc. She thinks that others won't understand these short words. Come on old lady, if u can login and come to forums and chat world, u should know what these basic things are.

Now, this is sick! Its so bitch of that old lady. I would suggest you all to never join that stupid forums and their website because those people think that only they are right and others are stupid.

This all clearly states that if u dont listen or agree with them, they will insult u or even go down and ban u straight away. If u are a newbie, u are a stupid and u are not eligible to give your suggestion as per them. If u are a newbie, u dont know anything and whatever u are doing is wrong as per those idiots. If u dont agree with them, u are doing crime as per them. 

Please stay away from such fraud sites and do not waste your valuable time with such brainless, shit heads.